There was once a little boy whose father used to steal. One day he took his little son with him intending to steal corn out of another man’s corn crib. When they came to the field where the corn was, he said to his boy, “You watch and tell me when you see anyone looking, while I go in and fill my bag with the corn.”
Now this little fellow had gone to Sunday school and had learned many things from the Word of God. Therefore he had a tender conscience about doing something wrong. So after his father had gone into the field and was stealing the corn, he called out, “Daddy, Somebody is looking!”
His father dropped the bag and ran. When he came to the spot where the lile boy was, he looked around but could see no one. “Son,” he said reproachfully, “You mustn’t call me when nobody is looking.”
“But, Daddy,” exclaimed his little son, “God is looking!”
Brave, faithful little fellow! He could not go on with a bad conscience. He had obeyed his father, but he had obeyed the Lord too, and he taught his father a lesson that day which we believe he did not forget.
Perhaps some of you dear boys and girls who read this little paper have at some time or other looked at a portrait hanging on a wall, and you have noticed how those eyes looked straight into your own. Every where you went in that room, those eyes followed you. So it is with the eyes of God. It says in Psalm 15:3:
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”
There is no place you can go in this world where His eyes don’t follow you. There is nothing you do that He does not see. You may go where your father and mother cannot see you, and you may do what they never know about, but God sees and knows all. He knows all the bad things that children do and think about, and He marks them down in His book. There is only one thing that can take the awful marks of sin out of His book, and that is the precious blood of Jesus. The way to have that precious blood applied is to take the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
A little girl had learned that she was a sinner, and her sins troubled her. One day she heard about the Lord Jesus Christ and that He died for sinners. She readily believed on Him as her own Saviour and knew in her heart that He had died to put away her sins. This gave her real joy and peace. She loved to tell others about her new-found happiness.
One day a man tried to reason with her about her salvation, and asked her how she could know that her sins were forgiven. In her own simple way she explained how that God kept books. There was His book, and there was her page in it; and on that page were all the sins that she had committed. Then, said she, the blood of Jesus was wiped across that page and it covered all her sins. They were all blotted out, and now, said she, God cannot see them any more.
Wasn’t that a sweet and precious testimony to the grace of God and to the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus, His dear Son? Now may He grant that each of our dear readers, both young and old, might come to know this same blessed Saviour and add their same testimony to that of this little girl.
“I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins.” Isa. 44:22.
ML 12/20/1959