God Is Satisfied! Are You?

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Anxious souls often begin at the wrong end. They begin with themselves instead of beginning with God. They begin with their doings—their feelings—their satisfaction—themselves in some way or other, and often it is a very long time before they learn to turn from themselves and look at God's side. Yet they never can find peace of conscience and joy of heart until they do. We often meet such people.
We ask them, "Are you saved?"
They reply, "I hope so."
"But are you not sure about it?"
"Well, not exactly. I only wish I were. I am seeking and praying for it, but I can't say I'm sure. I don't seem to get satisfied, somehow."
Oh! the numbers there are in this condition. They are putting the cart before the horse, and are surprised because they can't get it to go. Of course not! The gospel begins with God, not with us. Look at that well-worn, but still wonderful verse, John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." It begins with God.
God loved, and God gave.
We believe, and we have everlasting life.
I remember some time ago meeting a young sailor who had been in this state of anxiety for three years. He had been seeking and praying and trying to feel satisfied. What delivered him at last and made him perfectly happy was one simple fact which he had overlooked for three long years. It is the blessed and glorious fact that God is satisfied.
"Oh!" said the sailor, as his face brightened, "I never thought of that before—God is satisfied."
"Yes," I said, "He was the One who was offended by your sins. You were the offender. Jesus came to satisfy God's holy and righteous claims by dying for our sins. He did that work perfectly, and God has proved His satisfaction in the Person and work of Christ by raising Him from the dead.
"The Savior stood in our place, 'was delivered for our offenses, [He had none] and was raised again for our justification.' Rom. 4:25. The risen Christ is God's receipt for me. He is satisfied and so am I. Now why should you not be satisfied this very moment, and give Him the praise?"
It was sweet to see the effects of this truth on the sailor as his heart drank it in. He was filled "with all joy and peace in believing" (Rom. 15:13) that God is satisfied. And looking at me with a face beaming with joy, he said, "I see it all—God is satisfied; I can go home and thank Him for that."
God has sent the Holy Spirit to be the witness to all believers that "their sins and iniquities will I remember no more." Heb. 10:17. Rest where God rests—in Christ, who has so glorified Him that He can send a message of love to you, and say, God is satisfied. Are you?