THE Master will guide the weary feet,
Choosing for each, and choosing aright
The noontide rest in the summer heat:
For some the glory of Alpine height:
For some the breezes fresh and free,
And the changeful charm of wave and sea:
For some the hush and the soothing spells
Of harvest fields and woodland dells:
For some it may be the quiet gloom
Of the suffering couch and the shaded room.
Master, our Master, oh, let it be
That our leisure and rest be still with Thee,
With Thee and for Thee each sunny hour!
F. R. H.
“WE walk by faith. For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7). The most faulty Christians are those who want to walk by sight. They want to see the end—how a thing is going to come out. That is not walking by faith at all— that is walking by sight.