God Loved the World

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
God loved the world. His Son He gave.
Happy news! happy news!
And Jesus died our souls to save.
Happy news! happy news!
Yes, on the cross His blood was shed.
He suffered in the sinner’s stead.
Ascended now, He’s Lord and Head.
Happy news! happy news!
From heaven He’s saying unto all,
“Come to Me! come to Me!”
O! hearken to His gracious call:
“Come to Me! come to Me!
“Come ye who are by sin oppressed,
“Recline upon My loving breast,
“And find in Me eternal rest.
“Come to Me! come to Me!”
He welcomes now, He calls today.
Hear His voice! hear His voice!
Why should ye tarry, why delay?
Hear His voice! hear His voice!
Soon shall His own to Him arise,
To dwell with Him above the skies.
Come now to Him; today be wise.
Hear His voice! hear His voice!
Soon every knee to Him shall bow;
Jesus, Lord! Jesus, Lord!
How blest are they who own Him now,
Jesus, Lord! Jesus, Lord!
For all who have confessed Him here,
With Him in glory shall appear;
Mine all His foes shall see with fear,
Jesus Lord! Jesus Lord!
ML 09/20/1925