Every one is a bankrupt sinner, owing to God a great debt, having nothing of his own with, which to pay Him. There is no such thing with God as "liquidation by arrangement;" there are no assets to divide. It is just as if a merchant owed five million dollars to his creditors, and he had not one cent to hand over to them. In the midst of man's extremity and need, Christ comes in, and goes to the cross, God is satisfied with His own well beloved Son and with His finished work. Christ is raised, a discharge is given, the debtor goes free.
This is salvation! This is redemption! Very simple and plain: it is God's free gift to man.
"The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Romans 6: 23.
"The Wicked Shall Be
Turned Into Hell, and All
the Nations That Forget
Psalm 9:17.
"Let the Wicked Forsake
His Way, and the Unrighteous
Man His Thoughts: and
Let Him Return Unto the
Lord, and He Will Have
Mercy Upon Him."
And to Our God, For He Will
Abundantly Pardon."
Isa. 55:7