O! how God delights in giving,
Little, helpless one, to thee!
Every moment that you’re living,
Some kind gift from Him you see.
All the care, so fond, so tender;
All the love which round you flows;
He makes loving hearts to render—
For your infant need, He knows.
But no mother’s fond caresses,
Of His mighty love can tell;
No one God’s own heart expresses
But His Son He loves so well;
He Who left His home of Glory,
Where His Father’s heart He knew,
Came down here to tell the story
Of His Father’s love to you.
All that God loved best He gave you—
Jesus, all He had, gave too;
Laid His birthright down to save you,
Now that birthright shares with you.
For He’s sitting in the glory,
All His Father’s grace to give,
If you will believe the story,
That He died that you might live.
Here, by living and by dying,
Jesus told God’s love, and died,
Wicked men His love denying,
Would not listen—turned aside.
They, like Esau—O sad story!
Threw God’s precious gift away;
That same Jesus, now in Glory,
Is God’s gift to you this day.
“The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rons 6:23.
“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:15.
ML 05/27/1945