In Israel’s case man had been tried on the ground of obedience to God, and had not been able to possess the blessing that should have resulted from it. Then God abandoned this direct government of the world (while still the sovereign Lord above), and casting off the elect people with the nations round them and His own throne there, subjected the world to one head. Under this new trial, God gave man a new test, to see whether he would own the God who gave him power to make those happy who are subjected to him, when he [the supreme ruler] can do what he will in the world. This began with Nebuchadnezzar, the head of the image — the system of imperial power. We know that man failed here too. But the Lord Christ will reunite the two things in His Person. He will be the one man to whom the whole dominion is given, and Israel, as well as the various nations with their kings, shall be re-established, each in his own land and his own heritage, as before the time of Nebuchadnezzar. Nations such as Edom, Damascus, and Hazor will be omitted, as having occupied Israel’s territory. Babylon herself (which had absorbed and taken the place of all the others), must disappear by the judgment of God, to give Israel their place again.
Bible Treasury, Vol. 8 (adapted)