The righteousness is divine, not human. The righteousness of works had been sought for in vain for four thousand years, from the Gentile, the heathen philosopher and the Jew (Rom. 1-3). But both the Jews who had the law and the Gentiles who were a law unto themselves had Failed. The trial is finally summed up in these words: "Therefore by the deeds of the law [that is, by works of any kind] there shall no flesh be justified in His sight." And now a new righteousness apart from law (of every kind) is manifested, a righteousness not of man but of God. This new righteousness is not on the principle of works at all, neither our own nor the works (or law keeping) of another put to our account, for then would righteousness still come by the law and Christ would be "dead in vain" (Gal. 2:21). It is most important to be clear on this. Righteousness conies to me through Christ's death and resurrection, not through His spotless life. Indeed, it is only in dying that He takes up my cause as my substitute.
Young Christian