God's Whosoever

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 7
IN the central and most densely-populated part of a Scottish city stands a large square, through which is the principal access to all the chief thoroughfares and business houses of the city. Crowded at all times, it is especially thronged on Saturday evenings, when to pass through it is almost an impossibility.
On such occasions may be seen, in one place, perched on a temporary platform, a temperance orator; in another a "cheap John," vending his wares; while street-singers, fruit-sellers, and such like, ply their trades on all sides. Perhaps in the midst of all this Babel a faithful few may be found proclaiming the glad tidings of salvation to all who will give ear to their words!
One Saturday evening a young man, who was moving along with the crowd, carelessly took his stand quite close to one of these evangelists. The words fell unheeded for a time upon his ear, but unconsciously he pressed closer, and soon began to listen, as he had never listened to anything before. Presently a hand was laid upon his shoulder, and a quiet voice asked the question, "Are you saved?”
Never before had the thought that he was not saved crossed this young man's mind. But still he evaded the question, and answered the gentleman who spoke to him shortly, bidding him mind his own business.
After some argument they separated, the young man going straight to his lodgings—rather an unusual proceeding for him—but the fact was he was fully convicted of sin, and of his lost state before God. To use his own words, "To say my state was wretched and miserable in the extreme does not half express it, for words could never tell the misery And anguish of soul through which I then passed." He shunned his old companions and society, and every evening found him in the square, on the look-out for the gentleman who had spoken to him. Not until the following Saturday did he appear, when again he began to tell the story of the cross of Christ, trusting that, by God's grace, some in the crowd might turn and hear the words of life.
Little did the evangelist think that there was one hanging on his every word, listening as for life or death. Moved by the Spirit, he spoke with power from those wondrous words which tell the love of God to perishing men—"God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
His preaching over, he wended his way to one of the quieter streets on the south side, unaware that his every step and movement was followed, until, when about to enter his own house, a hand was laid upon his arm. He at once recognized the young man to whom he had spoken the previous Saturday evening.
“Oh, sir! I can answer your question now," he cried, earnestly. "I am not saved. Oh, tell me how I can be saved!”
Long did the two men traverse the deserted street, conversing upon that momentous subject; but not at once could the young man grasp the blessed truth of God's salvation. At last they had to part, the gentleman saying, as he shook the young man's hand, "can only repeat my text—’ God so loved the world... '—and bid you, like the Israelites of old, look and live.”
“But am I really one of God's whosoever?" asked the young man.
“Certainly, all are included," was the answer.
They parted, and the young man went to bed, but not to sleep. He had written upon the wall, of his room that text which had as yet only brought him deep conviction of sin.
He turned his back, and tried to get it out of sight, but still the words rang in his ears.
He tried to rub them out; but no, he had written them too deeply. He rose for a sponge to wash them away, but they could not thus be effaced.
A thought struck him; again he rose, and searched in his box for a Bible. He turned to John 3:16. There were the same words staring him in the face. He fell on his knees, and cried like the storm-tossed disciples, "'Lord, save me; I perish.' I am one of Thy whosoever,' save me!”
In the silence of that early morning he heard the voice of Jesus saying to his soul, "Peace, be still.”
Reader, you are one of God's whosoevers: ask yourself which.
“WHOSOEVER believeth on the Son hath life:
“WHOSOEVER believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God.” K. R.