Going Where?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Passing through a city some time ago a series of advertisements drew my attention and suggested some solemn thoughts. The first placard read
At once it brought to my mind that bourne from whence no traveler returns. None can delay the hour nor put off the "inevitable" when the moment has arrived to say the last "good-by.”
"For every mortal has his day down here, And when his time is up he must be going; Death puts an end to willful man's career, However stupid or however knowing. From human haunts all men must disappear, And reap beyond what here they have been sowing.” GOING WHERE? read the next advertisement. I had no personal interest in whatever destination it pointed to. However since I desire your eternal good, my reader, let me ask you: "GOING WHERE" are you?
Where, oh where, will you spend eternity? The choice is yours to make now. Hell and eternal darkness lie at the end of a Christless life. From such an end I earnestly desire to turn you away.
As I traveled further I saw upon a board words rudely lettered. They needed no embellishment, for their charm lay in the message they conveyed:
Ponder their meaning, my friend. Received in your heart, it is your passport to glory! By His sacrifice on Calvary JESUS SAVES every soul that puts its trust in Him. And not one shall enter that glory but by Him.
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12. Going where? How blessed to be able to say: "Beyond the storm I'm going,
Beyond this vale of tears,
Beyond the floods o'erflowing,
Beyond the changing years.
I'm going to the better land,
Long since by faith possessed;
Where JESUS reigns in glory—
A home of peace and rest.”
Out of Paradise
Man got turned out of Paradise into a world of sin. Christ came out of Paradise into a world of sin.