Grace for Sinners

 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 7
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” —John 3:16.
These, dear reader, are very plain simple words, and they contain the whole story of the grace of God to poor sinners Words cannot express the depth of that grace and love; neither can the carnal mind, which is enmity against God (Rom. 8:7), enter into it. But so it is, “God so loved” the sinner—one who had, by his own act, and the unbelief of his heart, brought that fearful thing, sin, into the world, (Gen. 3)—He so loved him, that He spared not His only Son, that He might with justice bring those sinners, who had departed from Him in rebellion and sin, back to Himself. And oh! what precious infinite love and grace is here set forth. He spared not His Son—His only Son, who had lain in his bosom from all eternity, was given for the sinner, for those who did not care about Him.
We may well pause and wonder at such love, but it is as true and as perfect as that God from whom it came forth; it is worthy of Him, indeed. Blessed be His Name forever! For what purpose did God not spare His only Son? That whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Well, if this does not fill up the measure of that love, nothing can.
Oh! what a plain, simple, but glorious truth is contained in those words. No condition—nothing to be added thereto—nothing to be taken therefrom. It is only necessary to feel and know that one is a sinner, dead in trespasses and sins—the more broken-hearted about it the better—to have a sure and unfailing title to the virtue of the Scripture at the beginning of this paper. To be conscious that such never can do anything towards their own salvation, and to receive God’s own true and gracious words as perfect and sufficient. To accept of the living and true Saviour, here provided, to meet every need. And mark, it is a Saviour of God’s own providing, to meet the sinner’s need. None other would have satisfied him—none other would have been accepted of God.
Why not, then, dear reader, at this very moment flee to this blessed Jesus, this dear Redeemer, and believe on Him? He is all that you need in God’s sight. He has promised that “whosoever cometh unto Him, He will in no wise cast out”—that He will “never leave nor forsake “those who do but trust in Him for their all.
I think I hear you saying that you are too great a sinner. Oh! do not trifle thus, I beseech you. It was for such, or worse, if there could be such, that He came and died. He came to save “that which was lost.” None of us know how soon it may please the Almighty God with whom are the issues of life and death, to call either of us away out of this world. Oh! then, do not delay, but accept Him now, in this the day of His salvation and wondrous grace to sinners. There are but two ways in which you must appear before God. Clothed in Christ as your righteousness, an inheritor, through Him, of everlasting glory; or, clothed in your sins, and an inheritor of eternal damnation! Awful words! But so it is—either one or the other is your lot. There is no middle place.
Oh! dear reader, you may say, “I have heard all this over and over again.” But if you have not a vital interest in these glorious truths, may God soften your heart, and give you to believe them, by the teaching of His gracious Spirit. Accept, I do pray you, this glorious Gospel, or good news, of God’s full, free, unconditional salvation for poor sinners, by the “blood of Jesus Christ, which cleanseth from all sin.” Do not let unbelief reign any longer in your heart. I believe this sin will be that which will meet the direst punishment, for from it spring up all other sins: it is the root of them all.
“When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven, with His mighty angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that knew not God”— mark, it is on them, also, “that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power.” (2 Thess. 1:7-9.)
Let me again repeat this glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ “Whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” Oh! what a fearful looking for of judgment for those who will not accept of this message of grace. Accept it, then, I beseech you, reader, now. Do not go away, or cast it from you, for “now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.” Flee to Jesus this very moment, if you have not already done so. Believe on Him, and trust Him for your all. Nothing is wanting in Him. The more you trust in Him, the more you will find in Him, and the more perfect peace you will have for your own soul. To believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that He is the Son of God the Father, who sent Him into the world to save sinners, is to have eternal life; and to set to your seal that God is true, and to know that His most precious blood, which was shed for you, cleanseth you from all sin-mark, dear reader, it is from all sin; not one jot or tittle of sin is on those who are washed in that precious blood, before God. It is not the value which you put on this blood; it is the value and efficacy that God sees in it which constitutes your safety.
May that God, who is rich in mercy, teach you to accept and know all these precious truths for your own soul, by His Holy Spirit. He alone can bless these words to your soul. And to Him be all the honor, and praise, and glory, now and forever, through Jesus Christ. Amen. G. S. P.