Rom. 3:21-26.
Oh! how can God, who’s holy,
Unto Himself be true;
Yet save the sinner wholly,
When judgment is His due?
He fully knows each creature,
Discerns his inmost thought;
Sees sins ill-favored feature
In all that man has wrought.
His Word of Truth engages
That sin must reap its fruit;
And naught but death, its wages,
His holiness will suit.
‘Tis bitter in the tasting,
When man resigns his breath;
But anguish everlasting
In judgment’s second death.
Alas! this theme of sadness
Might make the hardest weep;
But, oh! there’s one of gladness,
Of joy, divine and deep:
‘Tis fullness of redemption,
And righteousness complete,
From judgment, free exemption,
In Christ, the mercy-seat.
For God, of His good pleasure,
Hath sent His only Son,
His bosom’s choicest treasure,
And He His will hath done.
For us, unjust, unholy,
He died on Calv’ry’s tree,
Endured sin’s judgment fully,
To set the sinner free.
This One, so great and glorious,
Who came in love to die,
O’er sin and death victorious,
Is glorified on high:—
Now, there’s no condemnation
To those in Christ who trust;
And in this great salvation,
The God of grace is just.