“Thou Son of the Blessed, what grace was manifest in Thy condescension! Grace brought Thee down from heaven; grace stripped Thee of Thy glory; grace made Thee poor and despised; grace made Thee bear such burdens of sin, such burdens of sorrow, such burdens of God’s curse as are unspeakable. O Son of God! grace was in all Thy tears; grace came out of Thy side with Thy blood; grace came forth with every word of Thy sweet mouth; grace came out where the whip smote Thee, where the thorns pricked Thee, and where the nails and spear pierced Thee. O blessed Son of God! Here is grace indeed! Unsearchable, unthought of riches of grace! Grace to make angels wonder, grace to make sinners happy; grace to astonish devils.”
J. Bunyan.