Great Need of Testaments

Letter from the Front to Miss A. N. L―. :―
France, 21St November, 1918.
“I went round our men’s billets on Sunday with a parcel of the good books, ‘The Message from God.’ I was surprised at the number of men who asked me for Testaments. I would be pleased if you could send me a parcel of Testaments as soon as you can, to give out; they will be greatly blessed, I think, here. I had two to give out on Sunday, and several made a rush for them ... I would like you to send them in time for Sunday, if possible ... I must not miss these opportunities ... Tell Dr. Wreford that the ‘Message from God’ is a book which is a means of blessing in many ways.”
December, 1918.
“I received your welcome parcel of Testaments and tracts, and I have been round to the men, and given them out. I can do with some more Testaments if you can spare them ... When I went round with those Testaments the other day they went like ripe cherries; everyone wanted one, and some men, I am sorry to say, were disappointed. But I have promised them one ... A want you just to send another parcel ... These men like Dr. Wreford’s hooks, the ‘Message from God.’ I have seen them fold them up and send them home, and it may be the means of someone’s conversion. I will be greatly obliged if you will do this for me, and keep me interested with the men. ―Your brother in Christ, L. Cpl. W. O.”