
COUNTLESS hordes around us upon every hand are seeking for happiness, but alas, they seek it in the wrong direction.
Happiness is only to be found in the knowledge of divine persons. So that when a sinner takes his true place before God in the dust and ashes of repentance, and receives Jesus as his own personal Saviour then it is he knows what real and true happiness is.
A short time ago I asked a very noted footballer if he found his football life a happy one, and the answer he gave me was this— “Yes, while we’re winning.” Now, reader, what about yourself? Are you happy? No, I know you are not if still a stranger to Jesus. Happiness is not to be found in the world, neither in pleasure, nor riches, nor position in this world. It is to be found alone in Christ.
Reader, “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace” (Job 22:21), and happiness shall be thy present and eternal portion.
“Hark! the voice of Jesus calling,
‘Come, ye laden, come to Me;
I have rest and-peace to offer,
Rest, thou laboring one, for thee.
Take salvation,
Take it now, and happy be.’”
F. T.