Do you have happy times swinging in an old-fashioned swing? See how happy the children in our picture look as they swing to and fro beneath the limb of a beautiful tree, with a carpet of green under their feet. I trust my little readers often have this pleasure.
But there are many other ways to have, happy times. A little child too young to walk, has happy times playing with his rattle, an orange, or a little toy animal. When he is a little older he likes to play with building blocks and trains of cars.
Still later he has happy times sliding, skating, and playing marbles and ball. Then work becomes interesting. Some people enjoy their studies and the different kinds of work they take up.
But often people want something more than this and look to the party, the theatre, the dance, and other worldly amusements for happy times.
Dear reader, is this the way you seek your happiness? Very likely it is, if you do not know Jesus as your Saviour. When we do not know Him, we seek happiness in worldly things, only to find that such happiness is far from satisfying. If you would know what true happiness is, you must look away from this world to the only One who can satisfy the heart. One who had great riches, honor, and wisdom, and much experience, said over and over again, “All is vanity and vexation of spirit.” But does he leave us here? No. After repeatedly showing that nothing of this earth is worthwhile, he turns our thoughts to something better, saying, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” And, “Fear God, and keep His commandments.” Eccl. 12:1, 13.
David said, “Happy is that people whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 141:15.
“If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” John 13:17.
What happy times we can have communing with our Lord, studying His precious Word, carrying out His blessed will, and serving Him whenever we can. This is true happiness, and when we have learned by experience what such happiness is, we will say with Solomon, of the pleasures of this world, “All is vanity.”
ML 05/05/1912