Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(flat-nosed). (1) Priestly head of third course (1 Chron. 24:8). (2) Name of several who returned (Ezra 2:32,39; 10:21; Neh. 3:11; 7:35,42; 10:27; 12:15).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
1. The head of the third order of priests (1 Chron. 24:8).
2. Ancestor of priests who returned from exile (Ezra 2:39; Ezra 10:21; Neh. 7:42).
3-5. Ancestors of some who returned from exile (Ezra 2:32; Ezra 10:31; Neh. 7:35).
6. Father of Malchijah (Neh. 3:11).
7. Priest who sealed the covenant (Neh. 10:5).
8. A chief of the people who sealed the covenant (Neh. 10:27).
9. Head of a priestly family (Neh. 12:15).
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
from 2763; snub-nosed; Charim, an Israelite
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
banned: flat-nosed
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Compassion; flat-nosed:―priestly head of third course, 1 Chron. 24:8. {Commiseratio}