
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
When the Wind Changed.
The use of the terrible new weapon of warfare, poisonous gas, is subject to many uncertainties, and is even more treacherous than airplanes. In the fighting on the Western Front in the Great War a gas cloud was liberated by the Germans against their foes. It spread out over the fields its horrible green death, and reached the enemies' trenches; but just then the wind changed and the gas was driven back over the Germans themselves.
This happens always when men send forth against each other the poisonous clouds of passion, of suspicion, of slander, of ridicule and sarcasm and contempt. The wind of the Spirit turns the deadly gas back upon those that used it. Their spiritual life-is destroyed by the very act which they hoped would ruin others. "Curses, like chickens, return home to roost," and every impulse of hate turns against the hater. "Evil to him who evil thinks."