
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Musical Typewriting.
A lecture before the New England Federation of High School Commercial Teachers urged the value of music in typewriting. Music, said the lecturer, enables the typist to concentrate her mind on her work. Lively music speeds up both hand and brain. A phonograph was set to playing as pupils worked, and the audience was asked to observe how rhythmically and swiftly they accomplished their task.
Whatever we may think about that theory, there is no doubt that music in the soul enables any worker to do more work and better work, just as discord in the soul blocks all the wheels of endeavor.
The inner harmony between the person and his labor is like oil to machinery. It smoothes out every difficulty. It alleviates all harshness’s. It sends the workman speeding to his goal.
There is a very real music of the spheres, though the old idea of interstellar harmonies is mythical. This music of the spheres is God's thought for men and His world. If we are "in tune with the Infinite," in real harmony with God's plans and God's desires, our typewriting and all the rest of our work will move with heavenly swiftness, accuracy, and power.