Has It Made Any Difference to You?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
POOR old woman! She had fallen the day before in the slippery street, and had broken her arm. She had been carried into the hospital, and very dis agreeable she looked.
Miss .— at first shrank from speaking to her, but the earnestly-expressed wish of another patient prevailed. Going over to her bedside, the visitor inquired, "Do you think you are any better?”
“O'ot!" exclaimed the old woman, "I could na ken muckle odds yet, I only cam in yestreen.”
The visitor was about to leave her, when an encouraging look from her friend opposite made her still linger. A few words of sympathy quieted the old woman, and the visitor ventured to ask, "Do you ever think of these words, ' Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners'?" but before the sentence was finished, the old woman burst out, "O'ot, I ken all aboot these things; I've been weel brocht up. I ken all aboot it.”
And she turned her head angrily away, and shut her eyes.
She knew all about it, but it was no joy to her heart, it had not lightened her long life of poverty; and now in her old age she was content to rest on the fact that she had been "well brought up, and knew all about these things.”
It may be that you, too, have been well cared for, well brought up. Then let me ask you, has it made any difference to you that there was One who walked through this world, Who saw all its sorrow, sin, and desolation, and Who at length died upon the cross to save our souls?
“You mean Jesus?" we hear you say, dear reader; "yes, we do.”
Do you know Him? As a little girl once said to another, "Do you know Jesus to speak to?" Do you know Him in your heart as your own Saviour and Friend?
Remember, if you know about these things, and yet do not receive God's beloved Son, your life on earth will be a miserable one; and in the future it will make to you the difference between heaven and hell. M.