Have I a Soul?

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 7
WHAT a question! I should have thought that everyone knew he had a soul.
But, dear reader, do you act as if you believed you had a soul? I write to such as are unsaved. Do you not rather go on from day to day as if time were passing on without in any way influencing your eternity—in plain words, living your fleeting life here as if you had no soul that will live forever?
Some long time ago a young Oxford collegian found out that he was a sinner—a lost sinner! He read that the wrath of God would be poured out upon all those who obeyed not the gospel—he felt that he had never obeyed it—that he had never bowed to the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lord and Master. He began to give up his wild companions, and his old habits, and to seek the company of those whom he knew to be followers of the despised Jesus. But he was not happy. He thought he could make himself a better man. He fasted till he became so weak that he could hardly get up the stairs to his room, and he grew so wretched that he seemed to be in danger of losing his mind. However, at last, through the words of a Christian friend, he saw that Christ died for him, just as he was, and unable to do one single thing to make himself better. He believed, through God's grace, that the precious blood of Christ was powerful to take away every stain of sin, and make him who trusted in Jesus fit for the very glory of God Himself.
From the time this young man believed on the Lord his sorrow was turned into joy. He could not refrain from telling everyone with whom he came in contact what a wonderful Saviour Jesus is. From that time he gave himself wholly to the Lord, and no joy was so great to him as seeing the poor people whom he visited brought to his Redeemer. He preached to the poor wherever he could get them to listen, and he would say it was like a new life to him to see the tears washing white channels down the grimy cheeks of the miners, as they left the mines, and heard of God's love to them in sending His own dear Son to bear their punishment. And not only did God give His Son to die in the stead of His people, He now unites them to Christ Himself, and He will place those who believe in His Son in the very same glory above as the Lord Jesus.
After some years our friend went to America—it was before the war of freedom, and in the South the poor Negroes were still slaves. Very badly treated were these slaves. They were not even allowed to attend the preachings of the gospel with the whites! But our friend would take his stand on a mound or a rock, whence his voice could reach a long way, and so some of the poor slaves heard a little of the good news.
At first they evidently thought it was only meant for white people, but at last they began to think it might concern them. One day some of the blacks came to our friend, asking him the question at the head of this paper, "Have I a soul?" Neither did they stop there, for they wanted to know where their souls would go when their bodies died! Right glad were these poor creatures to hear what God had done for them, and soon many might be heard joyfully saying, "have a soul, and it is saved forever, and I am going to be with the Lord Jesus in glory.”
Now, reader, will you do one thing for me? Will you for one five minutes think over this question-"is my soul saved forever, and am I going to glory?" Do not let those poor Negroes rise up in judgment against you. You know that you have a soul—take care that you perish not forever in the flames of the lake of fire. L. T.
MAKE others to see Christ in you moving, doing, speaking, and thinking.
IF ye would be a deep divine, I recommend you to sanctification.