Have You Peace With God?

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 5
I believe there are many persons who are weary and tired of everything in this life, and yet have nothing to cheer them in looking forward to the life to come. Are you one?
I believe there are many who are thoroughly unhappy in their own hearts, although they will not confess it—unhappy because they know they are not living as God would have them—unhappy because they know they are not fit to die. Are you one?
I am quite sure that much of what is called happiness is utterly hollow and unreal. Silks and satins often cover aching consciences; loud laughter often comes from the lips of people who are inwardly heavy at heart. There are many who are always seeking rest and finding none.
I feel deeply for you in these latter days of the world. I feel deeply for those whose treasure is all on earth, and whose hopes are all on this side of the grave. Yes; when I see nations and lands shaking to the very foundation—when I see unrest and confusion on all sides—when I see these things, I feel deeply for those who have no better portion than this world can give them, and no place in that kingdom that cannot be removed.
But there is rest for the weary, even in this world, if they will only seek it. There is repose for the weary of heart, if they will only apply for it in the right place. There is real, solid, lasting happiness to be had on this side of the grave, if people would only inquire for it where it is to be found.
Where is this rest? Where is this repose? Where is this happiness? It is to be found in Christ. It is given by Him to all children of mankind who will confess their need and trust Him to relieve them. “Come unto Me,” He says, “all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.
If you want to be happy, cease to seek happiness in the vain things of this world. Give up the pride, the self-will, the sinful stubbornness of your own ways. Come to Jesus as a humble sinner, and cast your soul on Him; and then the rest I have spoken of shall be your own.
Thank God, I can lift up Christ before you and say, boldly, “Look at Christ—seek Christ—go to Christ.” For what did that blessed Lord Jesus come into the world? For what did He give His body to be crucified? For what did He die and rise again? For what did Christ do all this, but to provide complete salvation from the guilt of sin, and salvation from the power of sin, for all who believe? Oh, yes, Christ is no half-Saviour!
What is there that Christ cannot do? He can create. By Him were all things made at the beginning: He called the whole world into being by His command. He can quicken. He raised the dead when He was on earth, and gave back life by a word. He can change. He has turned sickness into health, weakness into strength, famine into plenty, storm into calm, and sorrow into joy. Reader, what Christ has done once, Christ can do again. There is nothing in your heart that the Lord Jesus cannot make right. Only come to Christ.
In Christ alone God’s rich provision of salvation for sinners is treasured up: by Christ alone God’s abundant mercies come down from heaven to earth. Christ’s blood alone can cleanse us; Christ’s merit alone can give us a title to heaven. Jews and Gentiles, learned and unlearned, kings and poor men—all alike—must either be saved by Jesus or lost forever.
Come away from a world which will never really satisfy you, and from sin which will bite like a serpent, at last. Come to the Lord Jesus as a lowly sinner, and He will receive you, pardon you, give you His renewing Spirit, fill you with peace. This will give you more real comfort than the world has ever done. There is a gulf in your heart which nothing but the peace of Christ can fill.