Have You Peace With God?

THERE are many people in the world who think that it is impossible for any one to know that he is saved, and has peace with God, before the day of judgment.
But is this so? Surely if it is possible to have peace with Him now, down here in the world, it is a very desirable thing. Can it be had? Let the Word of God reply. The Apostle, speaking to believers in Jesus, says, “Who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification. Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Not, “we hope to have;” nor, “we shall have if;” but, “we have peace.” Have you it? Perhaps you say, “No, but I should like to.” Then read on.
No Peace.
Now one thing is certain, and that is, that as long as you are unconverted, you must remain a perfect stranger to peace. There are but two classes in the world in the sight of God, the righteous and the wicked. All in the natural state are classed among the latter. The righteous, are those who are accounted righteous by God through faith, and walk in practical righteousness. Unconverted, you are found amongst the wicked. You may not be an open infidel, blasphemer, or immoral person, heaping up wrath against the day of wrath, No, you may be very correct in your moral life, a good citizen, amiable, kind, and everything that is desirable in nature; but, unconverted (I press it home upon your conscience), your heart and mind are estranged from God. You are His enemy (Rom. 5:10). There are degrees and measures of wickedness, but amongst the ranks of the wicked you are found.
And what saith the Scripture? “The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked” (Isa. 57:20, 21). Oh! poor Christless reader, what an awful condition you are in. Troubled, restless, and sinful, a perfect stranger to peace. The troubled restless sea casts up its mire and dirt. And the hearts of troubled restless sinners of this world, cast up nothing but sin and iniquity in the sight of God. There is no peace. How can there be? God’s Word is ever true. Where is the sinner in his sins to be found, who knows what peace is? All are complete strangers to true peace. No peace, no peace.
“There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.”
False Peace.
Have you discovered that you are without peace? Do you desire to have it? Beware, then, of Satan. The moment he finds souls anxious, and desiring peace, he seeks to mislead them; and is only too often successful, by getting them to trust in something short of Christ; something in themselves, or something that they do. I warn you, therefore, that there is no foundation but Christ (1 Cor. 3:11). He, and He alone, is the rock-foundation that never can be moved, uprooted, or overturned, by all the power and subtleties of the wicked one. If you build on anything else, when the waves of judgment and the billows of wrath of Almighty God shall come, you will find, when it is too late, and there is no remedy, that you have built on sand (Luke 6:47-49).
Thousands, tens of thousands, have been hushed to sleep with the devil’s lullaby, “Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jer. 6:14). Thousands have been aroused to their lost estate, and have set to work to right themselves before God. It seems so reasonable to man, that if he gives up his former habits and associates, reforms his manner of life, and strictly observes the externals of generally accepted religion, that he has a fair chance of reaching heaven. What more, thinks he, can be required of him? A man can but do his best. Ah!
sinner, you have forgotten one thing. You are reckoning without the Word of God. There we read that “God requireth that which is past” (Eccl. 3:15). “There is a way which seemeth, right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Prov. 14:12).
Mark well, the reformation of the present will not make up for the past, any more than keeping out of debt today will pay for the debt of yesterday. It seems right, but it is all wrong. Satan does not mind how long you travel that road, for he knows the end thereof, ―the ways of death. It is the way of reformation, but that is not the way to God. It is all very well as far as this world goes, yet only the cleaner side of the broad road after all. Christ is the way, the only way. Not a way, but the way. The way, and the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Any other, and all others together, are false, and delusions of the enemy of your soul.
It is too late to be doing. You ought to have lived before the death of Christ for that. You are behind the times too late. You are on the ground of law, but it is a day of grace (Rom. 5:20, 21). You may talk about doing your best, but do you do it? No, you don’t. And if you did, would it be good enough for God? Nay, sinner, man’s very best is short of His standard. Christ is what you want; He alone can meet your need. Cease then from self, and self’s doing; cease from man altogether; cease, now and forever (Phil. 3:3). If this is your ground, you have been crying, Peace, peace, when there is no peace. It is a false peace, and the sooner it is disturbed, and broken up altogether, the better for you. For there is a day at hand, when many shall cry, “Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them; .... and they shall not escape” (1 Thess. 5:2, 3). So,
“Cast your deadly doings down,
Down at Jesus’ feet;
Stand in Him, in Him alone,
Gloriously complete.”
Christ “was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification. Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 4:25; vs. 1).
Partial Peace.
And now, dear reader, I desire to warn you against another danger, and that is, being satisfied with a partial peace. Perhaps you wonder what I mean by partial peace. Well, the Lord’s servants meet with persons on all hands, who are practically in the state that these words describe. They have a measure of peace; they enjoy it at times. They are not unbelievers, without peace at all. They say that they are not resting upon their own doings to get salvation. No; they speak confidently of having believed in Jesus. But although they believe on Him, and are pardoned through God’s grace for His name’s sake (1 John 2:12), yet they have still some question as to whether they will arrive in glory after all. I do not know a better name for them than “unbelieving believers.” They believe that their sins are forgiven up to date, but― But what? Well, if― If what? Ah! then it all comes out. Christ has saved them up till today; as though He only endured the penalty of some of their sins, and the rest depends upon an awkward but and if. In other words, depends upon them.
That is, Christ has done His part, and if we do ours, all will be well. “Christ has finished His work,” they say, “but suppose I don’t do my part right to the end, what then?”
Is this your case, my reader? I see where you are. It is Christ and you, as though He needed a little makeweight. Your salvation depends partly upon you after all. You don’t like me to put it in that way. It is not quite what you mean, perhaps. But it is what you say, and it is your practical state. The result, partial peace.
Oh! away with such delusions, dear soul. Christ’s finished work needs no patchwork additions of yours. Whether you bring your own righteousness to God, or add a little of your own to His, you spoil His best robe. No wonder your peace is disturbed; no wonder it is but partial peace. How can you expect to have true lasting peace with God, if it partly depends upon your conduct?
“Well, but we must act and live right, if we do believe in Jesus,” you will say. Surely we must; but not to be saved, but because we are saved. Not to keep the peace we have, but because we are amongst those who have peace with God. “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:4). It is no good saying, I know God, and I am at peace with Him, and go on living in sin. Your life would then be an utter denial of your confession. But, wherever there is true faith in the Son of God (and it is the outward look of faith that gives peace within), that faith will surely produce fruit to the glory of God and His Son (John 14:23).
But the moment souls make their peace in any form or shape whatever depend partly upon themselves, it must be but partial peace. There is the work of the Holy Ghost in the soul, it is perfectly true, but it is impossible to find peace through being occupied with that; it is only through resting by faith upon the work of Christ for me. May God give you to cease from self altogether, and to enjoy peace with Him through our Lord Jesus Christ.
One might add much more upon this subject, but space will not permit. Let us now see from God’s Word how true peace is to be had.
True Peace.
Man in his natural state is God’s enemy, and knows not the way of peace (Rom. 3:17). But, blessed be God, He is not man’s enemy. He is his friend. God is love, and He loved the world. And He not only loved it, but has given the greatest proof of His love it is possible for Him to give. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son” (John 3:16). Gave Him for sinners, ― His enemies; and made peace through the blood of His cross (Col. 1:20). The death of Christ met all God’s claims against the sinner once for all. Moreover, God raised Him from the dead to His own right hand in glory (1 Peter 1:21); and now, as a righteous and just God, presents Him as the object of faith to sinners, saying, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but shall receive remission of sins and everlasting life. Dear reader, dolt thou believe on the Son of God? “He that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).
God has been infinitely more glorified in the death of His Son, than if sin had never entered the world; and peace is made (John 17:4; Col. 1:20). You have not to make it. It is done. Believe on Him, and peace with God is yours. Believe on Him, and the blessed words of Romans 4:25 and verse 1 refer to you, “Who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification. Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Not, we hope to have; nor, we shall have if; but, we have. This is true peace; peace founded wholly and solely on the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s Word declares it; the Word of Him who cannot lie (Titus 1:2). Faith appropriates it. Every believer is justified; justified by faith in His glorious Person and finished work. By grace on God’s part, faith on ours, the blood of Christ the basis, peace with God the result. True peace; present, permanent, and everlasting.
Once you believe, you are at peace with God, now and forever. Nothing can touch it, because nothing can touch Christ or His work. We have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Have you it?
But your enjoyment of this peace is another thing. That depends upon your walk and ways. Nothing can alter the blessed fact, that the believer in Jesus is at peace with God, and that forever; but a careless walk will mar your communion with God, and your enjoyment of this blessed peace, which alone can be restored through the advocacy of Christ, and the confession of sins (1 John 1:9; 2:5).
The peace of God is a distinct thing, enjoyed by the believer in Jesus, who follows the exhortation of the Apostle in Philippians 4:6, 7. “Be careful for nothing: but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Have you peace with God? E. H. C.