“THERE was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods.” Luke 16:1.
You have a precious possession. It is called TIME.
A queen who had lived much of her life for the world and pleasure, when she was dying cried, “All my wealth for a moment of time!” But time cannot be bought.
While you are still young, make sure you do not waste your time, or spend it foolishly. Use your time in such a way that you will not regret what you have done with it. Invest it for the Lord Jesus.
You have other things God has given you—health, strength, abilities. Take Christ as your Saviour; then live, work and wait for Him. Then when He comes again, or takes you to be with Himself, you may give an account of your stewardship with joy instead of sorrow.