Only to learn he was free! Early in 1978 the Belgrade police discovered a fugitive soldier who had lived in fear in his attic since 1945.
He had served three months in 1943 with the partisans of Joseph Broz, who became Yugoslav President Tito. Then he was captured by occupying German forces and joined the White Guard that fought the Communists. But President Tito won.
Fearing punishment for his war-time activities, the soldier decided to hide. He was then thirty-two; when found he was sixty-four. He lived in fear of discovery and punishment for half of his life!
It was only when discovered that he learned that no charges ever had been filed against him. He had sentenced himself to a punishment which no court could pass upon him, hiding in his workshop and the attics of his house and barn.
What a picture of one who knows not the pure gospel of the grace of God! The heart of God is full of love towards all mankind, He hates sin but He loves the sinner.
If you, dear reader, are that sinner," filled with enmity and fear" and hiding from God, come to Him now by Christ Jesus. This is God's day of grace. He has not one hard thought about you. He is ready to receive you, forgive you all, to cast out your fear and give you lasting peace in the assurance that "The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1:7. Why not come to Him now?
A mind at perfect peace with God—
O, what a word is this!
A sinner reconciled through blood,
This, this indeed is peace