(Heb. 7:25.)
THE Lord Jesus is the same as in the days when He was upon earth, still full of mercy, joined with power, ever ready to save and to bless. Why are so few souls saved, when there is such a Saviour at hand? Why are there so many slaves, when He is willing to set them free; so many sick, when He is able to heal?
See Him pressed by a thronging multitude on every side (Mark 5:24-34.) But they have not touched Him. One person came close to Him—a feeble, trembling woman, who just ventured to put out her hand, and thus by faith she laid hold of Him whom the world does not know. The multitude around received no virtue from the Saviour. But this woman has a new life in her. They press around Him; but she has touched Him.
Here is the difference. Reader, is her case your own? Many attend and multiply their religious services; they are deeply impressed, and make many sacrifices, in order to have a sight of Jesus: But they have no real faith in Him; they press around Him, but they have not touched Him.
What more has this woman done than the rest?
1. She knew her disease. Are you aware of your real state as a sinner?
2. She knew that no earthly help could cure her. Are you brought to the knowledge of this truth?
3. She trusted that Jesus would not fail her.
Have you the same reliance on Him?
Have you truly applied to Jesus, the only Mediator between God and men? He was freely given by God for sinners, and He intends you to come to Him. Come, then, without delay. Hasten to this heavenly physician, ye sick and suffering souls. Touch Jesus, and you will know by experience that He is "the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever," whose word still holds good: "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." (Heb. 13:8; John 6:37.)