He Is Able

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I think most boys and girls like trains. When I was in England I saw ever so many boys with notebooks and pencils, waiting around railway stations and sitting on railway bridges. Every time a locomotive went past, they jotted down the number of the engine in their little “Loco-Spotter” book.
One day as I boarded a train, I niced three boys with happy, carefree faces clamber on board and take their seats together. Then I spied two other little fellows holding hard to their mother’s hand, and looking a bit uneasy about the whole thing. There seemed such a difference in the excited and carefree manner of the first three, and the frightened, clinging way of the other two, that it set me thinking.
We are all going on a journey. It is not in a boat or in a train, but it is a journey just the same. The boy or girl who reads this Messages of the Love of God is on that journey. The journey takes us from earth to — eternity! I wish I could have said heaven, but it will not be heaven for everyone. I am sorry to say so, but I know it is true that there are boys and girls who read this paper every week, who have not yet taken the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, and so, although they are on the journey, they are not on their way to hean at all.
Now to finish my story. When I got off the train, the three happy boys jumped off too, and ran up front to the locomotive. In a moment, the engineer climbed down, and bent down his big strong face to give each boy a kiss!
“We had a good ride, Daddy,” they said.
Aha! Now I knew why those boys were so happy and carefree! Their father was the engineer, and they just knew that everything would be all right.
When we stop to think of it, we can have no sure guide to heaven but the One who lives there. Surely He can lead us. And in order to do this, He has sent His own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins that we might be fit to enter heaven.
The Lord Jesus Christ said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6.
ML 05/13/1956