He Is Coming Soon

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THERE was once a gentleman who had two fine houses, one in the city and one in the country. When he and his family were in the city they left the country house in charge of some of the servants. When the time came round for them to go back to the country for a while, they would send a message to the servants, saying:
“We are coming back on such and such a day; get the house ready.”
When the servants received this message they began to bustle about and to get everything clean and nice. They were so busy that even the dogs about the place got to know when the master was coming by seeing the servants so active in making ready for him.
The Lord Jesus Christ has sent a message from heaven to His servants telling them that He is soon coming again. He says,
“Surely, I come quickly.” Rev. 22:20,
He wants us to do all we can to prepare for His return by letting others know about it, and by telling them the story of salvation. If we are earnest and active in doing this, poor unsaved people will get to know that something is going to happen, and that they had better get ready for it, even if they do not understand that the Lord Jesus Himself is coming again.
If we always bear in mind that the Lord is coming soon, it will make a great difference to us in our lives. We shall not wish to go to any place where we should not like Him to find us when He comes. We shall not read any book that we should not like Him to find us reading. We shall not keep any company that would not please Him. In all our ways we shall try to serve and honor Him, and thus show that we are really expecting Him from heaven.
There is a very sad verse that says “Without are dogs” Rev. 22:15. When the Lord Jesus comes and shuts the door of salvation those who have trusted in Him will be inside rejoicing in being with their Saviour. Outside will be those called “dogs,” those who have never been cleansed from their sins, those who are rejecters of Christ. God grant that none of my young friends may be among them in that day.
Come to the Lord Jesus Christ now, take Him as your Saviour, and make Him your best Friend, then you will be ready to meet Him when He comes—
“For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” Heb. 10:37.
ML 03/19/1933