He Is Our Peace

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
He is our peace—O burdened soul,
Look unto Christ and be made whole;
O weary one, thy strivings cease,
For Christ is our eternal peace.

For God so loved the world He gave
His only Son our souls to save;
By His own blood, wrought our release,
From every sin-He is our peace.

To God, He hath us reconciled,
On to His home He leads His child;
Soon every sin and sorrow cease,
We'll be at home—He is our peace.

And though the way be sometimes rough,
In Christ our Lord we have enough;
In God's own house there's sweet release,
For Jesus is our rest and peace.

I long to see my blessed Lord,
I love to read God's holy word.
In heaven our joys shall never cease.
We'll dwell with Christ-He is our peace.

O come, Lord Jesus, quickly come,
And take Thy waiting people home:
In heaven, all sin and sorrow cease,
And tears shall fade-He is our peace.

There, God shall wipe all tears away,
No night shall come, but endless day;
Our thanks we give for this release,
And praise to Christ—He is our peace.