He Knows the Way Straight to Port

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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Have you ever wondered how sailors find their way across the tossing waves? On land we can easily follow road maps, whether traveling in town or across country, but at sea one wave looks just like another.
Recently we rose early one morning just before dawn and watched two fishing boats making toward shore.
The white beam from the lighthouse and the red light at the harbor mouth were shining brightly. Steering the fishing boats was easy work when the lights were in view, but what about the many miles they had traveled from the fishing grounds with no guiding light in sight?
They had a tested chart and a good compass, and a skillful pilot who knew how to read both correctly. That was the secret of their sailing so peacefully straight to port.
What is the secret of peacefully steering straight to heaven? First of all, it is believing in and trusting to the best of captains, the Lord Jesus Christ. He has given you God’s holy Word, the Bible, which is an infallible chart.
If you have really believed in Jesus and accepted Him as your Saviour and Lord, you have begun the heavenly journey. Then, by listening to His voice and obeying His Word you will have a very happy voyage on the way. You will not only be headed for heaven, but you will be able to steer straight for port.
Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21.)
“Be it known unto you therefore  .  .  . 
that through this man [Jesus]
is preached unto you
the forgiveness of sins:
and by Him all that believe
are justified from all things.”
Acts 13:38,39