Friend, have you tried this poor world and found it lacking? Do you have desires and longings that are still unsatisfied? Do you long for rest and joy? Thank God if this is so, for there is One who loves you even when you don't love Him.
There is every reason why you should love Him, for He has died that the way of salvation might be opened up for you. Do not despise the way of peace that He has opened for you. Receive Him, the Prince of peace, and eternal glory is yours.
Peace, rest and joy are the portion of all who have trusted in Christ, for our blessed Lord Jesus not only saves us from our sins by His precious blood, but He lives to keep and care for us through all life's journey here.
"My people shall be satisfied,"
`Tis God who speaks the Word,
My goodness and My mercies will
Be with them, saith the Lord.
For riches cannot satisfy,
Nor gold nor silver can,
`Tis only Jesus satisfies,
And fills the heart of man.