He speaks peace; His voice it is we hear,
Who speaks above the storm in accents clear;
He slept, He rose, He shows amidst the din
That He is there to bring salvation in—
He speaks peace.
He speaks peace: "My peace I give to you,"
That peace which He possessed-so real, so true;
"Peace I leave with you," peace His blood has made,
Such words of comfort has the Savior said—
He speaks peace.
He speaks peace, and shows His hands and side;
The wound-marks love endured, they still abide.
With gladdened hearts, we see our risen Lord,
And know Him as amidst us with that word—
He speaks peace.
He speaks peace, and sends us forth
In life to bear the tidings of His worth.
As servants of our Lord while here below,
It is for us to tell as well as know,
He speaks peace.
"This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
1 Timothy 1:15.