Hearing Red.

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
GOD in His wonderful skill has formed the eye for seeing, the ear for hearing, the tongue for tasting and the nose for smelling. Each fulfills its office perfectly, each has its own range of sensations, and none trespasses on the domain of the other. That which affects one leaves the other unaffected. The most exquisite music passes unnoticed by the eye; and lovely scenes, charming pictures, gorgeous skies appeal in vain to the organ of hearing.
A blind man once asked a friend to say what was meant by the color red. The friend spoke of brilliance, vivid glories, and gorgeous tints, with illustrations from the rose, the sunsets, fire, and highly colored fruits. He sought to show its conspicuousness and the vigor of its effects on the eye in comparison with others. When he had exhausted his powers he asked whether he now understood what red was. "Oh! yes, I do," he replied, "it is just like the blare of a trumpet.”
There the secret was out! He had, no standard of comparison; he could only interpret new sensations by old ideas, and by what he already knew. He was lacking in that faculty which alone could interpret light and color to him.
Now there are things exactly comparable to this in the spiritual world. My dear reader, you may put yourself to the test as to whether you possess those powers or not.
Has the voice of the living God, speaking of the peerless love of the Lord Jesus Christ in laying down His life for you, fallen on ears that are charmed to listen to those wondrous tones, or do they fall like the chords of stately music on the ears of the deaf?
Has your heart ever vibrated in response to the voice of the Savior calling in gentle accents to you to accept this proffered grace?
Has your eye ever glistened with gladness as the glories of the cross, and the wonders of His grace have been unfolded before you?
Is the name of the Lord Jesus music in your ears, or has the contemplation of His excellencies been "as ointment poured forth"?
If not, then be assured that you are spiritually blind and deaf, say more that you are "dead"—"dead in trespasses and in sins"—dead to God, and being so are under God's awful condemnation!
Hence, see to it, reader, that you realize the true meaning of your state, for few are the days with their brief hours that you may still have left.
Read here the words of God that apply to your condition—the way from that awful state in which you are—the way of life—the way you may in His infinite mercy have your eyes opened, and your ears unstopped.
“Whosoever believeth in Him hath everlasting life" (John 3:16).
“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Rom. 6:23).
Here is your way! Take it and all the joys of salvation and of heaven will be yours!