A SEA captain walking by the sea, & and not noticing a great chain there, stuck his foot through a link of it, and could not draw it back again. He struggled violently to get free, but in vain, others also tried in vain, and the foot began to swell. The chain could not be unfastened nor moved, so a blacksmith came some miles to cut it, but his tools were not powerful enough. The tide then came in, and the water was up to his waist. As a last resource, a surgeon hastened to the spot to amputate his leg, but the water was now at his neck. “Too late!” cried the doctor, as the waves rolled over the poor man, and he was lost.
This terrible story has a warning voice—the chain which men carelessly step into is Satan’s snare. Christ alone can deliver us from it, and of how many He says, “Ye will not come to Me that ye might have life.” “Today, if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.”
ML 01/18/1903