Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(favor of Hadad). His sons returned (Ezra 3:9; Neh. 10:9).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
Head of a Levite family who helped to rebuild the temple, and to repair the wall of the city, one of whom sealed the covenant (Ezra 3:9; Neh. 3:18,24; Neh. 10:9).
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
probably from {SI 1258}258{/SI} and l98; favor of Hadad; Chenadad, an Israelite
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
favor of Hadad
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
He showed favor; favor of Hadad:―an Israelite, his sons returned, Ezra 3:9. {Gratiam exhibuit}