MOTHER HAD made pancakes for breakfast that morning. Little Henry ate one after another for he liked pancakes. Then Mother said, “Henry, you mustn’t eat any more, or you will get sick.”
After breakfast Mother set the leftover pancakes on the stove and went into the living room to do some mending and dusting. A few minutes later she saw Henry coming from the kitchen, his eyes tightly shut and his hands behind his back. He walked right past Mother. Then she saw he had in in his hands several pancakes.
“Henry, what do you have?” she asked.
“You can’t see me,” replied the little fellow.
“Oh, but I can,” said Mother. “You have your eyes shut and you can’t see me, but I can see you. Now take those pancakes back to the kitchen. You are a bad boy!”
Little Henry was like some people — they think that God can’t see the bad things they do. But they are wrong. God sees everything we do, and what’s more, He knows every thought in our hearts.
At first those hearts were black with sin, and only the blood of Jesus can cleanse those sins away. How happy for us if we take Him as our Saviour. Then those hearts become His dwelling place by the Spirit, and God looks down and sees Christ there.
“Thou God seest me.” Gen. 16:13.