Here Am I; Send Me.

THE following lines will encourage some we trust, to seek divine guidance in serving the Lord. Oar friend, from whose letter we quote, is an invalid, a very great sufferer and blind, her loss of health and sight being due to over strain in former years. One day when calling upon her, we encouraged her, with the sense that, almost prostrated as she was, still God had a place for her to fill in His harvest field.
She obtains the help of a friend to whoa she dictates her letters, from one of which we now quote—
“You will, I know, be pleased to heal that the Lord has been blessing me, in a very special manner. At the commencement of the new year I pleaded with Him for the souls about whom I had long been anxious, and as I realized my own weakness, I thought of the good advice you gave me the last time we met, when I was speaking of my inability to do anything like work for the Master. You told me that God could use even me and that I must just trust in Him, and watch for opportunities for service. This is just what I have been doing, and the Lord has given me the joy of hearing several souls receive the truth as it is in Jesus.”
The opportunity soon arose, for our invalid friend was invited to spend a few days at a town, some little distance from her home. In relation to this visit she says: ―
“One of Mr. B.’s sons was the first this year He said, that it was not what I said, that influenced him, but what I did not say How I praised God for letting me thus witness for Him.” Here let us interpose the remark that God can use the witness of patience and of meekness in suffering to awaken a soul, even as He uses actual word: spoken.
“The next was a woman, who came to assist Mrs. B. in her household. I have been praying for this poor woman for more than two years, and the gracious Lord, for His name’s sake, heard my prayers, and not only saved this woman, but her three grown up daughters were also led to believe or Jesus.
“To further add to my joy, I received a letter from a young man to whom last month I had sent a gospel magazine, with a letter I had dictated to him; and from his reply I learned that God had graciously used this feeble effort to work out His own purpose. Upon receiving the magazine last month, I felt that I must send a copy to that young man, and did not wait to hear it read to me, for I was sure it would be the right word; the young man is a railway signalman. Praise the Lord for His goodness! Nothing can make me so happy as to realize His favor.”
We believe this simple record will encourage some of our dear readers, who Love the Lord, to use the opportunities He gives them for serving Him P.