Hermes, Mercury, Mercurius

“Hermas, Hermes” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(Mercury). Two friends of Paul (Rom. 16:14).

“Mercurius” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(Mercury). Name applied to Paul in Lystra (Acts 14:12).

“Hermes” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

Christian at Rome saluted by Paul (Rom. 16:14).

“Mercurius (ἐρμῆς)” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

The god Hermes of the Greeks, identified with Mercurius of the Romans. When a miracle had been wrought by Paul at Lystra the heathen inhabitants supposed this god was visiting them in the person of Paul, and the priest would have sacrificed to him (Acts 14:12).

Strong’s Dictionary of Greek Words:

perhaps from 2046; Hermes, the name of the messenger of the Greek deities; also of a Christian
KJV Usage:
Hermes, Mercury

Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:

bringer of good luck: teacher for gain

Potts’ Bible Proper Names:

An orator; speaker; interpreter; reciprocal activity:―a Greek deity, Acts 14:12. {Orator}