In a retired village, near a mountain range, in the north of Scotland, not long since, an aged man was ill, and confined to his bed. His days had been lengthened out to the unusual age of ninety-seven years. His sight had failed him for about three years, so that he was unable to read, but his mind seemed clear, and he was able to converse on any ordinary subject.
As he was thought to be dying, a christian woman, well known for her piety and love to souls, was asked to visit him. This she gladly did, for she was told that he was anxious about his soul’s salvation. She says—On my entering the room where he lay on his bed of suffering, he asked his daughter to lift him up in a sitting posture. When this was done, he fixed his eyes on me as if he wanted something; but did not speak.
I said to him, John, Do you love Jesus?
He replied, I am sure I do that.
That’s fine, then, for Jesus has loved you “first.”
Oh, do you think that? grasping my hand in his.
He says so Himself. The scripture saith, “We love him because he first loved us.” (John 4:19.)
Oh, is that the way o’t?
Oh yes, He says so Himself.
But I’ve been sic a sinner.
Yes, but “the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth from all sin.”
The blood, the blood. I heard mair about the blood fan I was four or five years auld than ever I’ve dune since.
Did you hear about the blood of Jesus then?
Oh yes, I did that.
Do you think the seed has lain all that time! Oh yes, I think it has; but oh me, I’ve gaen se far astray.
Do you remember a verse, John, which says, “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way?” Is that true?
Oh yes! oh yes!
Then He also says, “And the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all”—that’s true too.
Grasping me with both hands tightly, the tears running down His furrowed cheeks, he said, That’s it that’s it, that’s it now.
Some further conversation passed on John 3:16. “God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
He was holding me all the time and looking so anxiously, that I added, You are very thirsty tonight, John.
I am awfu’ that way.
Hear then, what He says again, “He every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters!”
Smiling through his tears, he said, That’s the water.
After praying with him I bid him good-bye.
Oh will you come and see me again?
I said, God willing, I would.
I did so the next evening, and he looked very happy. After speaking of God’s love to sinners, I said, Well John, how is it with you now?
Oh, He can come for me now fan’ ever He likes. He’s dune it A’.
A few days after this he went home praising, and saying, I see Him! I see Him!
Little need be said concerning this touching narrative of one, so far advanced in age, having been brought into such perfect peace, because it speaks for itself. We cannot, however, refrain from saying that one common hindrance to souls having peace with God, is the habit of looking at something in themselves as a reason for it. To persons taught of God, this is always disappointing. No self-occupation, no measure of religiousness, no amount of good desires, or feelings, can possibly give a sinner rest before God. The blood of Christ alone purges the conscience. It is only by the blood of Christ that any have forgiveness of sins, for “without the shedding of blood there is no remission,” and “it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” Hence it has been recorded in the infallible word of God that Christ has “made peace through the blood of his cross.” (Col. 1:20.) Yes, peace has been made. A just atonement for sins has been made in the death of Jesus the Son of God on the cross.
Does the reader say, “Ο that I were delivered from this burden of guilt, that I were certain that God had forgiven all my sins?” We reply, What does God say in His word? Does He not assure you that the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth from all sin? And is not the universal testimony of scripture that “whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins?” If then, you know what it is to have renounced every false refuge, and to look only to the Lord Jesus now in glory as the object of faith, how can you hesitate to give thanks to God for blotting out all your sins? And so completely and forever has God done this for all who believe on the Lord Jesus, that He has caused to be written for our assurance and comfort, “Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.” It is when, dear reader, you take the eyes of your heart off self in every shape, and even off your sins, and look wholly to Jesus who shed His blood for many for the remission of sins; when you lay aside your own thoughts and rely entirely on what God says in His word concerning Jesus and His accomplished work, you will find access unto God with confidence by the blood of Jesus, and know the present reality of “ peace with God.” Then you will be able to say, like dear old John in his ninety-seventh year, “He can come for me now fan’ ever He likes. He’s dune it A’.”