A MUCH and long afflicted child of God, whose memory had been greatly impaired by disease, speaking of her inability to call to mind a whole verse of Scripture, expressed, at the same time, unfeigned thankfulness for the comfort and stay of soul she experienced in meditating upon that one word “HIM.”
Of HIM what wondrous things are told!
In HIM what glories I behold!
For HIM I’d gladly all things leave;
To HIM, my soul, forever cleave.
In HIM my treasure’s all contained;
By HIM my needy soul’s sustained;
From HIM I all things now receive;
Through HIM my soul shall ever live.
With HIM I daily love to wait;
Of HIM my soul delights to talk;
On HIM I’d cast my every care;
Like HIM I one day shall appear.
Bless HIM, my soul, from day to day;
Trust HIM to bring thee on thy way;
Give HIM thine undivided heart;
With HIM O never, never part.
Take HIM for strength and righteousness;
Make HIM thy refuge in distress;
Love HIM above all earthly joy,
And HIM in everything employ.
Praise HIM in cheerful, joyful songs,
To HIM unceasing praise belongs;
‘Tis HE who does thy home prepare,
With HIM thou’lt be forever there.