Hindu Sammy

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
A regiment of "Tommies" fresh from the British Isles were encamped just outside a town in India. Everything was very novel to them; and one morning soon after their arrival they were amused to see, trotting along the road by the camp, a converted Hindu, a preacher.
Sammy, as he was called, carried a big Bible under one arm; an umbrella was under the other. He was a quaint little figure as he ran along in the dust and glare of the sun. Some "Tommies" hailed him as he went by with a question that sounded more irreverent than they intended.
"Hello, Sammy, how's Jesus this morning?" they called.
The little fellow pulled up short and looked at them with his bright, dark, piercing eyes. Then, holding up the Bible, he said slowly: "Do you sahibs mean to say that you, who sent us this holy Book, talk of the Lord Jesus. like that? Do the people of your great country send the gospel to us heathen and yet insult the Savior?”
The men looked a bit uneasy at his words, but he went on: "You say, 'How is Jesus this morning?' I reply from Heb. 13:88Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. (Hebrews 13:8): 'Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.'" And making the men a polite little bow, the Hindu pursued his way with dignity.
That evening Sammy's wife was startled to see coming up the little garden path of their home, which was near the camp, two British soldiers. Her heart nearly stopped with fear, for she was sure that her husband had somehow offended the great British rajah. The men inquired for her husband, and he came to the door. They at once seized him by the hand and very earnestly thanked him for his plucky speech of the morning.
"After you had gone," they said, "some of us felt ashamed. We had a talk about it, and my mate and I, we went off into the woods. Well—there we gave our hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ. We've come to tell you so, feeling that it is all through what you said.”
Those British soldiers found out that, although they were ungodly sinners, meriting the righteous judgment of God, yet in boundless grace He had sent His Son to the cross of Calvary to die in their stead. And now, by faith accepting Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior, they found peace for their troubled souls.
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:11Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: (Romans 5:1).