EV 1:14{A famous portrait of Christ, painted by the Netherland artist, Hemling, had been lost for years. It portrayed the majesty of the Son of Man in His official glory as Judge of the world—having eyes "as a flame of fire." (Rev. 1:14).
When the masterpiece was recovered it was decided to show it to the famous poet Goethe, who was a widely recognized art critic.
The picture was placed in his room to surprise him, but it failed to have that effect. On the contrary, it so troubled the great Goethe that he was unable to give the calm, deliberate criticism expected of him. After awhile he called a servant and commanded: "Take that picture away. I can't endure it."
Reader, if Goethe, "a child of the world" as he styled himself, could not bear the piercing look of a painted Christ, who could endure the gaze of the living Christ—the piercing, penetrating gaze of the eyes burning as a flame of fire? The answer is: only those who can say with John who saw the heavenly vision: "Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood... be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen." Rev. 1:5, 6.
"Behold He cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see Him." Rev. 1:7.