His Last Chance

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 5
A lone traveler was taking a walking tour of the coast of Scotland. The weather was warm, and he was thoughtlessly induced to take the road by the beach as the most comfortable. This road, which was safe only at low tide, lay between the sea and the lofty cliffs which bound the coast. Pleased with the view of the in rolling waves on the one hand, and the abrupt and precipitous rocks on the other, he entered on the way unmindful of the tide which was beginning to encroach upon the intervening sands.
A man, observing from the lofty cliffs the danger the traveler was incurring, partially descended and, hailing him with a loud "halloo," warned him not to proceed. "If you pass this spot you lose your last chance of escape. The tides are rising; they have already covered the road you have passed, and they are near the foot of the cliffs before you. This path up the cliffs is your last chance of escape.”
The traveler disregarded the warning, feeling sure he could make the turn in the coast in good time. Leaving his volunteer guide, he went more rapidly on his way. Soon, however, he discovered the real danger facing him, for the road was already covered by the rising tide. He turned in haste; but to his amazement he found that the incoming waves had cut off his retreat. He looked to the cliffs, but at this point they were inaccessible. The waves were creeping ever nearer and were soon at his feet. He sought higher ground, and climbed a short way up the cliff. He reached a projecting rock, but the relentless waters followed. They rose higher and higher; they reached him; they rose to his neck; he uttered a despairing cry for help, and no help was near. He had neglected his last opportunity of escape. The sea enveloped him, closed over him, drew him into the night of death...
"If you pass this spot you lose your last chance of escape.”
"How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?" Heb. 2:3.
Such scenes have been enacted over and over down through the centuries! As for a man, so for a nation.
"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Psa. 9:17.
Throughout the history of the world the nations have been standing in judgment before God. Nineveh stood there; Babylon stood there; Greece and Rome stood there; and other nations are standing there today. One after another has heard the solemn word: Depart. They have passed into a destruction which has been absolute and irretrievable.
There is a moment in the life of an individual—and there is a moment in the history of a nation— which, if passed with the warning note unheeded, must be followed by disaster. How do we stand today in God's sight as individuals, and as a nation? Shall it be: "Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting"? Dan. 5:27.
Or will we in the day of grace listen to His voice, hear His call, and be saved from the wrath of God which is soon to fall upon this wicked world?
"Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your heart." Psa. 95:7, 8.