His Love Divine

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
I saw Him stretched upon the cross,
The Son of God—for me!
I saw Him bow His kingly head
And die on Calvary’s tree.
I saw those pierced hands and feet
Scarred with eternal scar;
I felt His loving, breaking heart—
Call mine from depths afar.
I writhed within my chains of sin,
I groaned in my despair—
As lightning in the blackened storm
His radiance smote me there.
And all my life was changed to light
By love—His love divine—
The judgment for my sins was His,
The love that took them, mine!
O hungry souls that toil and strain
In the dark world of sin,
Know that one heart is seeking you
With life you could not win!
Look up! A substitute in heaven
Is lifting wounded hand
To show His own that His were nailed—
Love’s everlasting brand.
Yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Hebrews 10:37
Prepare to meet thy God. Amos 4:12