His Love

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
Abide thou, my soul, in thy Savior’s love,
For restless thou art as a timid dove;
He seeth thy faithlessness day by day,
Yet bears with waywardness, guards thy way.
He calls thee to come and enjoy His peace,
To learn from His lips that thy fears may cease,
To take of the stream of eternal love
As foretaste of bliss in the home above.
“I give you my peace!” thus He greets His own;
These words are eternal! no change have known;
Then make them thy portion and prove their power,
Receive them as comfort in trial’s hour.
He ever is faithful! and knows not change,
His sympathy’s wider than thought can range,
His love is as vast as is space in sweep,
Unmeasured in flow as an ocean deep!
When wand’ring no more in this world of care,
Thou dwellest above in that mansion fair;
There love in its fullness will flow around,
But drink thou its stream whilst on earth thou’rt found.
U. U.