His Own

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HIS OWN BY THE FATHER'S GIFT. "Thine they were," says the Son, "and Thou gavest them Me." The Father took us up in eternal counsels that He might give us to the Son. We shall be forever the expression to the Son of the Father's love to Him. How precious to think of it!
HIS OWN BY HIS CHOICE OF US. "I have chosen you out of the world." When Jesus was here He called to Him whom He would. It is just as really that He has chosen us. He wants us for Himself; He must have us: and when we receive Him, we are then His own.
HIS OWN BY REDEMPTION. "I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep." We cost Him His life. He never could have had the joy of having us if He had not laid down His life for us.
HIS OWN IN THE AFFECTION OF OUR HEARTS. "The two disciples heard Him speak, and they followed Jesus." He had not said a word to them yet; but the enraptured gaze of John the Baptist had rested upon Him, and the joy of his heart had burst forth in the involuntary expression: "Behold the Lamb of God." And in simple, spontaneous affection the two went after Him, His own in their affections. May God give us hearts like theirs!
HIS OWN TO BE LOVED BY HIM. "As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you." Could anything equal this? Does it not fill your heart with unspeakable affection and joy? If we had, like Paul, suffered the loss of all things here for His sake, would not His love be sufficient compensation?