How a Little Boy Became a Sunbeam

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IT happened in this way. A friend of mine was going back to business one afternoon. He looked very serious as well he might for he was in trouble. He passed a great number of people, but was too much in thought about this heavy trial to take any notice. If he could have turned his thoughts upwards to God, perhaps he would have thought of that little text,
“Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7.
But, poor man, he was carrying his own trouble, and was very much cast down. A little sunbeam was needed to brighten the dark cloud.
Well, a little sunbeam did shine on his path in a very singular manner, after the fashion of sunbeams generally, and without being asked to come; and it came in the shape of a little boy in a blue suit, and sailor hat.
The little fellow of four years stood right in the path of the man of business and was not to be passed. A tiny hand was held up, and a child’s voice arrested my friend’s attention, saying, “Please open the door.”
“Aye?” said the solemn-looking man.
“Please open the door;” and the little face looked inquiringly, and the wee little finger pointed to a door up several steps. All was soon explained. The little fellow was going to school.
“Ah, I will, my little man,” said my friend; and he ran up the steps, and opened the door.
A wave of the hand, and “Thank you,” was a rich reward; for the poor man came down with his thoughts about waiting on a little child, and then, he did not know why, but that little act of kindness to a child took his thoughts away from himself, and he thought, Well, if I was so ready to open the door when a child asked me, is not Jesus more ready to open the door to anyone who asks Him? All! He does not wait to be asked, but says,
“I am the door; by Me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” Jesus is never too busy to attend to the youngest.
Thus a little child has often, under the blessing of God, been as a sunbeam on the path of grown-up people, and those who love the Lord Jesus have often been able to repeat a text of Scripture that has been the means of blessing to their parents and friends. May all my young readers become lights, in this dark world, that may lead others to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the true light that shall shine forever.
ML 02/19/1922