The following letter has reached me from Mrs. Carre, of Guernsey, and made me happy: ―
Dear Mr. Wreford,
“You will be glad to hear how wonderfully God has used one of your little books, ‘A Message from God.’ A soldier that I know bought some chocolate at the canteen, and asked for some paper to wrap it in, when your little book was given as waste paper!! He put it in his pocket without thinking any more about it. Later on he felt he wanted to read his wife’s letter, when out came the ‘Message from God’ with the wife’s letter, which impressed him very much, having been brought to his notice in that way. He read the ‘Message’ through, and it fairly gripped him, and through the grace of our loving Heavenly Father, this soldier is now out and out for Christ his Saviour. He kneels to pray in his tent morning and evening, and loves his Testament very dearly. He simply drinks in the things of God, and is filled with His wonder-peace. There are ten soldiers in his tent; two are now believers, and are praying for the conversion of the others. May God answer prayer! I must tell you that the faithfulness of one boy has had great influence on this soldier, who through your ‘Message,’ decided for Christ. Praise God for His wonderful, lovely way of drawing souls to Himself. It has made me realize how all-powerful He is.”
We trust workers on every battlefield will send to us for parcels. We have sent close on eight thousand to various centers, and will gladly send to any Chaplain, or worker, or soldier who wants to distribute the Word of God to English, French, Italian or Belgian soldiers.
Any soldier or sailor who wants a Testament to fit his pocket, can have one by writing to Dr. Heyman Wreford, The Firs, Denmark Road, Exeter.