How a Young Student's Wish Was Granted

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A SON was taken by his parents to a big city many years ago, to begin life there as a student. It is dangerous for a young man to be left alone in a big city, where there is so much worldly pleasure and sin, but God’s eye was upon this young fellow, and He kept him from the evil around.
What do you think he did when he was first left alone? He had a great longing to possess a Bible. He had never been allowed to go to Sunday school, but once a book about Livingstone, that devoted servant of Christ, had come into his hands, and it had greatly impressed him, and had awakened a desire after God in his soul.
When he found himself alone in this city, he thought at once, “Now I am free: now I will go and get a Bible.”
But he did not know Where to buy one so going down one of the main streets he searched in every shop and at length he saw a big old Bible in a second-hand store. He at once went in and bought it, and was greatly delighted to be the possessor of a Bible of his own.
He read its pages every day, but there was much he could not understand. Then he met other students who knew the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, and he saw how happy they were in His love while he was very miserable, for he knew now that he was a lost sinner.
On Sundays they used to meet together and read the Bible and talk over it. One Sunday he was there with them, but he felt so miserable that he could not stay and he left the meeting. Another student followed him out and they went together into another room. Finding what his trouble was, the young Christian opened his Bible and pointed him to those precious words of the Lord Jesus, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28.
They were the very words to bring comfort to the young fellow, for he felt his sins as a great load. Asking his companion to leave him alone, he there and then came to the Saviour who never turns one away who comes to Him with his burden of sin, and he found the rest and peace he was longing for.
What joy filled his heart! He wrote at once to tell the good news to his father. But to his dismay he met with a terrible rebuff. His father had him removed to another college in order to get him away from his Christian friends. But the Lord was with him, and he was able to testify there for his Lord and Saviour, and was used to bring other, students to Him.
Some years later he went out to tell the heathen, who have never heard of the Lord Jesus, the good news of salvation, and he labored there for his Lord for many years.
I wonder if my young readers value their Bibles as this boy did, and if you have found in its pages that which will meet the need of your soul. If you know this Saviour as yours, may you too be ready to speak of Him to your companions, so that they also may he led to Him.
“My Word... shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isa. 55:11.
“In the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; holding forth the Word of life.” Phil. 2:15, 16.