How Grandmother Rested

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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“Don't go over to Grandmother's during noon-hour!”
That was Mother's standing order to John, her little boy of seven. Grandmother lived in the old cottage across the lane from the farm house where John lived. He had been told that Grandmother rested an hour at noon every day and must not be disturbed.
But the thought of Grandmother resting puzzled John. He had never known her to rest. The idea of her stopping work for a whole hour in the middle of the day was too hard to imagine. His curiosity increased until one day he ventured over to Grandmother's back door just before twelve o'clock.
She was busy as usual this time baking pies for the threshing crew expected next day.
“Grannie", he called shyly, "what do you do when you rest every noonhour?”
“Who told you I rest?" she replied a bit sharply. "Wait a minute and I'll show you how I rest.”
Having removed some pies from the oven and smoothed her long white apron, she led John into the next room, closed the door and sat him on a chair.
Then she knelt down and began to pray aloud while John looked on amazed.
She prayed that God would save John and his brother from the paths of sin. She prayed for his father and mother and other loved ones near and far. She prayed for the neighbors, for the sick, for the preacher and for the Gospel. Then she thanked God for sending His Son into the world to be the Savior of sinners. She thanked Him for all His loving care over them all. Nothing or no one seemed to be overlooked. For nearly an hour she prayed, pouring out her heart to the God who hears and answers the prayer of faith. With her fervent Amen, John slipped off the chair and ran home. At last he knew what grandmother did every noon hour. She prayed!
John was brought up the hard way. By the time he was twelve, he was able to cut wood and handle a logging team almost like a man.
At the close of one long cold day in the woods, his father told him to hurry home ahead of the horses and chop the ice from the waterhole.
Evidently this took longer than expected and when father arrived and found the waterhole still unprepared, he angrily grabbed the ax and wielded it as if to strike John.
The boy dodged the blow and, half in fear and half in anger, ran into the house. Quickly collecting the only extra piece or two of clothing he owned, he ran away, determined never to return.
The winter was spent working for his keep on a neighbor's a few miles away, and in the spring, though still only twelve, John struck out to face the world alone.
For many years he led a hard sinful life, drifting from place to place and job to job, finally becoming a hard rock miner in the Northern Ontario gold fields. Here he was married and had children of his own.
But God, who is the observer as well as the preserver of men, had his eye upon John still, and the time came for Grandmother's prayers for him to be answered.
His wife, unknown to him, had attended a gospel meeting and been brightly saved. Immediately her heart yearned for her husband and the following Sunday she ventured to ask John to attend the gospel meeting with her. To her surprise and delight he readily agreed.
The preacher was also a miner, and after the sermon, John promptly asked him if he would come to their home for supper the next evening.
At the appointed hour the preacher arrived and following supper inquired,
“John, why did you ask me to supper, was there not something you wished to ask me?”
“Yes,” replied John. “You know I am fast traveling the road to hell. Tell me, is there really any hope for a sinner like me?”
How gladly the preacher showed John from the Scriptures God’s way of salvation. How fervently he prayed that John would look to Christ and live!
Far on into the night the light shone into his dark heart and John, weary and heavy laden with his sins, came to Jesus, just as he was, and Jesus gave him rest. (Matt. 11:28)
Grandmother’s prayers for John were answered at last! Today he is happy in Jesus and awaits the moment when he shall look into His Savior’s face—and see his dear old grandmother who prayed daily for his precious soul.